Downloading Active Purchases
Once you purchase a file, you will be automatically redirected to your Downloads page and your downloads stay active for 14 days.
To navigate to your Downloads page, sign into your account > hover cursor over your account avatar > Click on My Downloads
To download a file, look under Active Downloads and click on DOWNLOAD.
The available SIZES / FORMATS will display and click download to start downloading.
Note: You may have the option to download other FORMATS under the download button, so choose the best version for your system
Downloading Purchases After 14 Days
Your downloads stay active for 14 days after purchase. If you do not see a purchase under Active Downloads, check your Order History section. You can reactivate purchases by clicking 1 reactivation left.
*Note: after you reactivate a transaction, it will be moved up into your "Active Downloads" section. Please refresh the page in your browser for the download button to appear.
*Please note: individual items in transactions containing multiple assets will not have reactivation buttons; you'll need to find the transaction listed as "multiple items" to reactivate it
If you are the license or seat holder, you may download your purchase as many times as you need. If you are unable to reactivate a purchase on your own, just Contact Us.
Have a file that will not download? Please review our Stalled Download article, or reach out to us for immediate assistance.