As of May 31, 2024, we will no longer offer 3D content on our platform. Instead, we’ve partnered with our sister brand, TurboSquid, to redirect 3D buyers to their marketplace. As the world’s best 3D model collection, TurboSquid connects 3D creators to the content they need for game production, virtual production, and more.
Pond5 3D Sellers: What this means for you
- We will not transfer existing Pond5 content to TurboSquid. Users looking for 3D content on Pond5 will be redirected to the TurboSquid website.
- If you are currently a TurboSquid artist, your Pond5 and TurboSquid accounts are separate. Content on Pond5, not presently on TurbosSquid, must be uploaded there if you want to sell it on TurboSquid now.
- If you are not a TurboSquid artist but wish to continue licensing your 3D content, we encourage you to explore the opportunities available on TurboSquid. Learn more about becoming a TurboSquid artist here.
Pond5 Buyers who have previously licensed one or more 3D assets
As you’ve licensed 3D content from us before, we wanted to let you know that we no longer offer this media type on the Pond5 marketplace. Instead, visit TurboSquid for an upgrade to the best in the business!
If you have any questions, please contact us at